I am so sorry that it has been weeks since my last post. I have been so busy working, taking the boys to soccer, taking care of a 4 month old, and trying to still take care of my house that my blog has not been my priority. I am so sorry. I promise to update you all soon. I may even post a few pics.
After next week my life should slow down just a little. My part-time job now will be on an as needed basis. I loved making a little extra money, but I also love being home. And Addyson is at such a fun age that I want to spend every second I can soaking it in. And my two boys are becoming such great soccer players. Trenton has kicked a few goals...Yea Trenton. And Austin has surprised me and has become great on defense. He plays offense occasionally and almost kicked his first goal last night, but the whistle blew. I am so proud of both of them, Austin's team is undefeated; and Trenton's (Danny's) team has lost one. (Danny's team has had several players out with the flu, and of course they were our best players.)
I promise to update you all soon. Addyson had her 4 month checkup and I will post some soccer pics. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. I also hope everyone enjoys Fall Break. I can't wait to spend a little time with the boys, and I know Addyson is ready to have them home for a few days.