Thursday, June 11, 2009

Firsts at the Benson's

This has been a busy week so far at our house. I wish I had to time to post pics, but with three little ones I barely have time to take a shower these days. I am managing to keep the house straightened, some of the laundry done, and the kids fed. Now, if I could find time to eat myself. Thankfully the pregnancy weight is falling off and I have managed to lose all but 6 pounds. I really wouldn't mind keeping on a few pounds but we will just have to see what happens.

Addyson was two weeks old on Saturday. Monday was her two week check-up with Dr. Patz. And she is finally putting on a little weight, she weighed 7lbs 2ozs and was 21 in long. She is starting to stay awake a little more each day. She usually waits till Daddy comes home to stay awake for a few hours straight. But that makes for good family time for all of us. Addyson enjoyed her first bath on Monday night. It takes me and Danny to give her bath because she is so little, but she had so much fun. She didn't make the first peep until I got her out and then she wanted back in. But as soon as I bundled her up, she was happy again.

Trenton lost his first tooth Sunday. It had been loose for a while, and it finally came out. He was so excited. However, he made it a little difficult for the tooth fairy to come visit. Sunday night the tooth fairy couldn't find his tooth. Monday night he put his tooth in his daddy's tooth fairy pillow, but put that pillow underneath his pillow. So Tuesday night, he put the tooth in the tooth fairy pillow and left it so the tooth fairy could get to it. And Wednesday night he woke up a happy little boy with five dollars in the tooth's place. The tooth fairy is very generous at our house.

I hope everyone is enjoying there Summer so far. I am hoping in the next few weeks I will be brave enough to get all three little ones out by myself. This weekend we are taking Addyson out to her great-grandparents to go fishing with the college group from church. And Sunday we are going to try to take her to church for the first time.

Hopefully soon I will find time to post pics.


Sunny said...

Sounds like you all have been busy. Glad that you are all doing well. Way to go on losing that weight! I really hope that we get to see you on Sunday.

Alisha said...

Yeah! I am excited that you guys might make it to church on Sunday. I can't wait to meet your little one!