Sunday, February 1, 2009

22 Weeks and Counting

Last week was the end of the month at work, which brings with it a lot of stress. And on top of it all, my boss had to go out of town to Kentucky to help his family out. They were hit by the ice storm and have no power or water. He took them generators, water, and gas. Hopefully he will be back to work Monday because really I don't like being under stress right now. But I know his family needs him more at this time. Please remember all the families that were struck by the ice storm in your prayers. They will be without power and water for a while.

In other news, I am taking Sunny's advice. We are going to start trying to save more money this year and the first place we are starting is our grocery bill. Today we saved $145 at Target and another $32.05 at Kroger. Hopefully this will get us closer to getting our house by next year.

Austin will start tutoring this week in Math. One of the third grade teachers at Mt. Carmel will be tutoring him on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. I really hope that she can help us get Austin's grade pulled up.

Trenton is doing great. He has had the past two weekends of undivided attention by me and Danny. Austin was hunting with my grandfather so Trenton stayed behind with us. He is my little helper, which right now I need. He loves to help me with laundry, although, I have to help him. If not, all of the laundry would end up in the washer on one side. At least for now he wants to help me.

Well the pregnancy is going faster and faster. Little girl is way low, and I am so uncomfortable!!! The boys were pretty high, but she doesn't want to move up. So if you have missed seeing us at church I am sorry. Hopefully she will reposition herself soon. She is now moving around a lot more, and she has successfully woke her dad up in the middle of the night kicking him in the back. Of course, I slept thru all of it.

Oh, and Danny has finished our shed. It is like having an extra room. I am so proud of him for working so hard on this project. His next project is little girls room.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week! And hopefully we will see a little snow.

1 comment:

Sunny said...

What awesome savings!!! It sounds like your boys are doing great. I love having little helpers around the house. I've missed seeing you at church. I hope that you get to feeling better soon. I can't wait to see that little baby bump that you have! You look so cute!